

You arrive at the meadow,
With arms raised in triumph
And head held high.

Behind you is your journey,
The peaks of mountains you've climbed,
The valleys you've crossed.

You have made it through the fray,
Through sun, sleet and hail,
Through loss, hurt and strife.

You admire the reward for your travels,
And a smile crosses your lips,
You go to lay down next to the river.

The sun emerges through tree canopies,
Leaving a painting of warmth and light.
The grass embraces your return.

The wind sings you a song,
It's melody playing with the rustling leaves,
Harmonizing with the singing of the birds in the branches.

The wildflowers dance with their petal skirts,
Blessing the music with their beauty.
Sweetening the air with their scent.

All around you the earth and sky rejoice your return,
Celebrating your arrival home,
Welcoming you with open arms.

Despite every obstacle you had faced,
You have made it to your sanctuary,
You have found your oasis once again.
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