

This new year will be better
I tell most as well as myself
But the truth is
this year made many a sour
And I put out happiness
And most not all
giving me there evil
But I am above what this
universe puts out
I was not created for
someone elses
And I never asked
to be put through there trauma s
So why we all want others
to feel the pain of others
And why
They all still at it
running to others apt.s
We going to give him
some money for her
But they could be
living about that two
And why they all running
When evil is silent
an waiting for them people
to speak in the
middle of the night
But I don't speak back
for I am in shock
by the big nerve
these pest have
with throwing there words out there
And then thinking
that I am asleep to it
when I am just waiting
for my chance to
Redo all there scenes
in my own private movie
which I am alone
with some very
evil actors an actresses
who I need to regulate
before I stop filming
There 🗑 thrown at me
And I mean this as a words
thrown at me in the way
they yelling down the halls.