

A new day, a new week,
Breathes your precious fragile spirit,
A new beginning, almost frightened to speak,
For it has magic virtues in it at that instant.
Stepping into the new things with many hopes,with an optimistic attitude.
Flying with the wings of positivity and happiness into the new day.
Every single moment is a new beginning for the better future.
And the beauty of each beginning is the good will to step into it with a hope.
Wearing your happy soul and precious spirit to acheive new things on each new day is the best gift life offered you.
Embrace the gift that life offered you and with the happiness it poured on you.
Life only offers you what you needed the most.
All you can do is speak hope and positivity into it and to the people whom you wish a hello across your path.
Print your mark on their hearts,into their lives with a beautiful smile on your face.
Spread the courage and hope of entering into the new beginnings,new moments,new day,new year.
Never leave a single opportunity of spreading joy around you.
May you grow higher and higher with all the experiences of each new day.
Wishing you the happy new beginning with lotts and lotts of soulful happiness and hope into it😇😇
© C.S.