

The Legacy Of Love
Legacy of Love

In the twilight of memory, I stand a proud man, Thirteen stars in my sky, where my legacy began. A grandfather's journey, with love as my guide, Through laughter and tears, with you by my side. We've danced in the sun, and we've weathered the storms, In the garden of life, love took many forms. Two stars fell too soon, leaving night in our day, But even in darkness, love Àshows us the way. For April's sweet blossom, and October's lost gold, For the angel who sleeps in the cold earth's hold, My heart holds you close, forever to cherish, In the love that we shared, you will never perish. To the ones who remain, hear these words from my soul, You are my pride, my joy, the parts of my whole. Through trials and triumphs, my love never swayed, For each step of your journey, I have silently prayed. I may not have mastered the art of the father, But as your grandfather, I've learned not to bother With the could-haves and should-haves, for in you I see, The best parts of life, the best parts of me. So carry this forward, my dear little ones, Through the rain and the shine, through the losses and wins. My love is a beacon, an unbreakable bond, In the stories we've shared, and of which you are fond. Be proud of your roots, they run deep and they're strong, In the heart of a grandfather, where you all belong. And when time comes to pass, and my days here are done, Shine bright, my dear stars, my grandchildren, my sun.
Written by: Loyd Davis Jr

© Loyd Davis, Jr.