

I'd Shoot You Again and Again and Again
Blind folded, you clumsily fling mud my way. You've dirtied my boots, my roots and even my hair. It lands on my tongue. it tastes sour, while you shrug because you're just sorry. I begin to muddle stones into bullets. The target locked and I wait till you fling one more mud drop.

A trigger released. you're blown to pieces. And me? I regret nothing. for you asked for it. You underestimated. You undermined. I am the red flag and I am your crazy. I'd gladly be the Cruella Deville in your story. and still, I will regret nothing.

my dirtied clothes smell of your putrid idiocy, your blindness and failure to see. Just how much you've fucking hurt me! I regret nothing, if anything, I'd shoot again and again and AGAIN. I'd watch you writhe and squeak. Beg and plea. I'd even drink the blood you bleed. For see how evil has whitened my eyes. See how your lies have consumed my mind. Do you see how you shouldn't have messed with me? How clumsily you've handled this damn delicacy?

I will haunt you. I will enter your dreams. I will be there to hear you scream. And I will regret nothing. You've left me to wail and weep. You've locked me in my room And I have to count sheep to fall asleep.
I will regret nothing. I'd gladly be the crazy in your story. You'll wish you never met me. I will make you wish you never met me.

© JKeMac