

hibiscus 🌺
You are me who
went against the flow.
You proved that fragrance isn't
A criteria for being a flower.
You bloomed everyday,
Even though,no one cared,
Some one disdained and
squeezed you on their
shoes to make it polished.
You selflessly spared
a little nectar In deep heart
though you don't Want seeds
to make next generations.
You stood upright even when
People called you 'insane'.
Being scared of
the insanity spread,
people stood away from you
Even though
they haven't ever known you.
You are a miscast here,
as people Mistreat you
for not having fragrance like
your most other fellow beings
Though everyone
secluded you for
your uniqueness,
you Bloomed cheerfully
in every season unlike others
odorlessness is your odour
if you were gifted with odour,
your plight would be more
pathetic like that of
plundered roses,killed for love
© colour pencil