

Write a poem about truth and if the truth that has been told to us can be trusted. I see your image in the moon, I fall asleep with thoughts of you, and I wake with you always on my mind, is it the same with you? I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you said you had legal problems, but now I understand, who you are and it's daunting to me, but I'm in love and I miss you too much to let that come between us, baby girl all I do is think about you it's my full time occupation and there is nothing else I rather do. The truth is that you are my everything and Twin Flame I love you baby girl and I don't want to be without you a single day, this is my truth and if you want me to proclaim your name I will everywhere, do you still love me? I feel you do, you are the missing piece of the puzzle and have the key to my heart you are my everything.
© ©dejectedpoeit_flowing