

Your Memory
Etch not unto her pliant flesh,
Cruel marks of your monstrous desire,
She bears your atrocities,
With silent rage,
Waiting to unleash her wrath secretly watching you from behind her Walmart prescription shades
There's nothing better than setting the mood with a bag of off brand cheetos and a bottle of 79 cent sparking water
And flavored sparkling water at that
All that is left is for you to make a move old boy
And you better act fast
At 8pm you normally turn back into a pumpkin
And did you remember to set your DVR to record your favorite tv show Mash?
It's a good thing you have me to keep all this information stored
So that later when you figured out that you forgot to remember
Wow now I know why your head stays so sore
You can't blame me
I'm just your memory
Dwayne Clark

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