


Did you give up on living?
Or life has finally abandoned you,

My pulse is still running,
I think you are going cuckoo,

If your life is a prison,
Wouldn't death be a sweet release?

I hear it all day from my loved ones,
You don't try to preach me, please...

I know that I am a burden,
But committing suicide in our religion, a sin,

Isn't mercy killing a kindness,
You can't move your face, yet I see the grin,

Why am I debating myself anyway,
I have already given that right to my kin,

Stuck between life and death,
I think this is what people call purgatory,

Where is the road to my perdition,
Or is heaven contemplating to grant me entry,

Waiting for that white light which people dread,
Nightmare for them has become my ultimate fantasy.

© paradoxicalpenman