

Life's Adorance
Life’s symphony plays a varied tune,
Beyond complaints, a brighter rune.
In every moment, a reason lies,
To lift our spirits, to reach the skies.

Though clouds may gather, obscuring light,
A silver lining gleams, out of sight.
In laughter shared and friendships true,
In simple joys, our hearts renew.

For life’s canvas painted with hues,
Of sorrows felt and dreams pursued.
But ‘midst the shadows, shines a beam,
A reason to smile, a hopeful gleam.

With steady steps, we journey on,
Not fleeing battles, but forging on.
For life’s not found in running free,
But in the hurdles overcome with glee.

In every sunrise, a promise anew,
In whispered winds, secrets accrue.
Each heartbeat echoes a joyful song,
In every moment, we belong.

For skipping stones may skim the tide,
But strength is born when fears collide.
Through trials faced, our spirits soar,
Each obstacle, a chance for more.

So let us pause, and gently see,
The beauty wrapped in simplicity.
For life is more than just complaining,
It’s finding reasons to keep on gaining.
© Rinki bhardwaj