

Having a bad day?
Not everyday can be good
Not everyday is bad
So why not lift your mood?
Why be so sad:(
You get your life only once
Why not enjoy it,have some chocolate bun
Have you heard of song 100 bad days?
We will laugh in future about these things,it says
Even small things ruin you mood?
Man,eat your fav comfort food
If your mood is down
Hit up the music,dance ,sing like a crazy person, don't frown
Don't like dance?
Hug your family members, don't miss this chance!
Not sad but angry?
Count from 1-5,take a deep breath,smile,it's for free:)
Not convinced? Want to kick and scream?
Do it but don't hurt yourself,you are the one to gleam
Like me, can't control your temper?
Do yoga or medidate,heck,I even listen to my fav songs,dear
Only keep one thing in mind
Life is about good and bad things combined..
Thanks for reading and have a great day....🤗

© smile 101