

Shadows looms, over your head as you stand here. Never listening to those who care. "Don't do it." "It gets better." "We love you."

Their voices muted by your own self hate. Poison in your veins and bottles empty all over you bed. "Stop drinking so much." "Get help" "I am here for You."

Broken by a life of pain. You cry all as you life fall like rain. Sorrow you can no long contain. "Where have you been?" "We miss you." "Please answer."

Knocks on the door. But your already on the floor. For you their was no cure. But their love was pure. "DAMMIT stop ignoring me." "I am worried." "I am coming over."

I am the voice in your head. But you made your choice. No they wont rejoice. It was me that whispered in your ear. Their words deafened by my shadows. "Oh my God no." "Why?" "I am sorry I couldnt help."

You know me being me you wouldve never known. I am my own demon. The whisper were me and the shadows casted by my form. Dont you see? The man on the floor is me. "I can't do this anymore." "I lost to much." "Goodbye."

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