

Your Real Problem
I said you couldn't blame the drugs,
but I guess I was wrong.
You can only blame them for
imaginary siren's songs.
Half of it was the drugs.
The other half is attitude.
Thinking you're not good enough
kept you from your gratitude.
You were really rude
by asking me to cheat
with another dude
giving you a seat.
All you really did was
hit rewind and repeat.
Everything you went through
with all them hoes before
was just a way to let go
of previously worn whores.
I'm still a jugalette,
and sometimes I still get wet
when thinking about the collar
that you asked me to get.
You hypnotized me different ways
since the very beginning.
Power of suggestion was
your only way of winning.
When you saw me thinning,
should've known it was too late.
My patience started thinning too,
and so did heaven's gate.
The Devil started grinning
when he saw me fighting you
cause he knew God was losing us,
and especially you.
Jesus knew that I'd come back
cause I've been down that track,
and He knows I won't
ever be going back.
I've got so much more to lose
than everything you have.
If you would just give it all,
you'd have much more to grab.
You can steal the heart
of anyone you please.
All you have to do
is get down on your knees.
Pray for something more,
and realize what you have.
Even if you gave it all,
you would be less sad.
You should not get mad
because you don't have enough.
You're still the only lad
I've ever truly loved.
I slid down the slide with you,
but you knew I fell too far.
The moment that I tried,
it completely changed my heart.
It may have let your feelings go,
and focused you on sex,
but afterwards, we both got hurt,
especially through the text.
You were hurt at first
by not telling me your plan,
but that prob'bly would
have made it worse
cause we would have
ripped off the man.
I'm not that type of woman,
even if it's not the same.
I don't want to steal,
and I know you don't either,
but when you make a deal,
you know what's on the speaker.
I see how you helped your "friend",
but hurt him in the long run.
You weren't really into men,
but you wanted him.
I get it, now,
and I see how
he's wrapped around your dick.
He's given you everything,
and every single chick.
His dick is not as thick,
but his was so much longer.
It's not always about the size.
It's also about who's stronger,
and who knows how to use it,
and who knows how to lose it.
You're the only man
I've ever seen get soft on purpose.
You've always got the bigger hand,
but is it really worth it?
None of us is perfect,
but most of us don't dwell
in always feeling worthless
or living in this hell.
It can always get better
only if you believe it.
You can always get them wetter
if you never sheath it.
Show them who you really are.
Don't just focus on your pain.
You're so much more than just a car.
You have so much to gain.
Look in the right direction.
You'll find more then affection.
See your flaws and realize that
they don't all need correction.
Your modesty is good,
but don't think that you're ugly.
You're not reaching your potential
because your attitude is fugly.
Don't cast your pearls
before the swine
who's mud you've trampled in.
Just love them from afar,
and don't give in to their sins.
You can help them
when they need
to eat or drink some water.
Just don't try the speed
cause that's their secret teeter totter.
It flips your sin upside down,
and turns you into scary clown.
You become the jiggalo
by giving your "friends" all the hoes,
just so they can get you high,
and convince you of the lies
the Devil always tells you.
They may not realize
what's behind your hazel eyes,
but it's finally coming clearer.
You're not just a hearer.
You're honestly the engineer
that no one's ever seen.
They can't see beyond
your dislike of drama,
except when you lead them on,
or steer them into monster-rama.
You ask them "why the drama?"
when you're the one who caused it
You keep asking them for more,
or tell them you need another hit.
You're not the one who paid for it.
It was given by the state.
You just use the government
for everything you take.
You're not on any pills
cause drugs is all you want.
You're living with your thrills,
but you'll pay for what you flaunt.
You can't come here and won't
if it means you'll lose your job
of getting high to get you by
while they all live like slobs.
You keep your place clean,
so you don't get caught up,
but everyone else you see
doesn't give a fuck.
They see you as a sitting duck,
but you won't get that far.
Especially with your bad luck,
and your ugly car.
© beverlyblinx318