

No tears till its dark
I laughed,
As I sip my green tea.
Looking out the window,
My reflection looked back at me.

Memories fill my mind
The good and the bad times,
I laughed some more
But never dare I cry.

He came home
Soak with swet,
I fixed his supper
His clothes soaking wet.

He ran his bath
Then came down for bread,
I took my wine glass and a bottle and fled.

I ran myself a bubbly hot bath,
As I see flashbacks of my jolly old past
Then my skin started to crawl
With thoughts of my present,
My now, My fall.

The bottle I took
It is now empty ,
Nothing to keep me hooked
Nothing to hide what I kept in me.

The candles went out
Now I'm left in the dark,
And then tears came about
Can't hold it back at all :(

© Olivia Williams