

hungry heart lonely soul.
We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry,
Desperate for love, for warmth, for care
We'll believe anything, we'll swallow any story
Just to fill the void, to numb the pain we bear
We'll gorge on deceit, on half-truths and illusions
Hoping they'll satisfy, forgetting what is real
But the hunger remains, a constant confusion
For the lies we consume, can never truly heal
Whispers and sweet nothings, we cling onto them
Like starving children, we devour the words
But soon they turn bitter, just like a poison
And we're left with nothing, just emptiness and hurt
We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry
We crave the sweetness, the false promises they hold
But in the end, it only leaves us empty
Aching for something true, something to hold
We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry
But it's a never-ending, vicious cycle we're in
For the more we consume, the more we're left wanting
And the more we believe, the more we let ourselves spin
So feed your heart with honesty, with love that's pure
For lies may fill you temporarily, but truth will endure
Let go of the hunger, embrace what is real
For only then, can your heart truly heal.
© cynfully