

on stage I'm who I want to be, putting away the mistakes that I would make normally, embracing life and it's enormity, while becoming who I was born to be, bright lights and action mixed with the crowd satisfaction, performing is my passion so I do it in Grand fashion, no if ands or buts no shortcuts just us, the microphone and me join together bionicly, like it was connected to my arm you see, nothing can bring harm to me, I'm invincible the haters are now invisible, me and the crowd are indivisible, and rye my trust, until I return to dust, this is lyrical us, and if you don't like it so what, just being here and do this is nuts, and I wouldn't trade this moment for another, word to my poetic sisters and brothers, who started as wannabes, turned into gonna be's, only to find who they were born to be, love you, lust you, dream you, and trust you, in the end all you have is just you.

written by Orpheus the breath of Life
AKA Donte l. Paxton Sr.
© Orpheus The Breathe Of Life

This Poem is dedicated to Jennifer "Henny Starr" Hogan, Dontre' "Fapper Rapper Flame" Paxton-Cruz, Markese "K- Macc" Green, Myke Bleeze, Golden Mack, Ivan
"I-Rocc" Newsome, Marcel Marable, & Last But NEVER Least Chris " Big Woo" Hogan.