

Write a poem been inspired by a project or task be completed – whether it’s crossing something off the never-ending to-do list, or a project you have worked on for a long time.

to finish a project is to collaborate ,collide ,and carry the one.

how big is your scope and how many colors are in your collaidescope.
don't mind me, I'm missing a few myselve.
don't you add until you know for a fact if I have the difference for you or not
I'll probably take your you b4 whatever this world tries to carelessly water down

any way, to compose is to investigate, sumise, redo, estimate, and polish. to polish is to have all facts. it is the glory of kings to seek out a matter..hmm what does a queen get to do? I search. I adhd. my eyes. light up and God and my sisters and brothers speak to me. the kids well. the kids are like kings. the end game is wholey. that is complete with di hydrogen oxide and a hol loope.

I'm off topic
signing out an trying again
© chorus chrubble