

Nature Calls

I was sitting down,
My hands on my office desk, tapping away,
As I awaited the next pile of documents.

I zoned out of the window, Thinking of a way of escape.
It was getting a little stuffy.
I got up, opened the windows, Then the doors,
With a tiny creak.

A gust of wind blew on my face, Allowing a small leaf through the tiny creak.
I chased after it,
Laughing as my childhood replayed in my head.

I caught it in a tight grip,
Ready to let it outside.
When I opened my hands, My heart stopped for a second.
Then everything started to change.

It was a firefly.
Its little glow on my palm,
Contrasted the dull leaf I had caught.
It flew up like a phoenix, summoning butterflies with it.

The whole room changed.
Giant trees emerged, from tiny cracks in the ground.
Insects, reptiles, flowers, Emerging after the trees,
Capturing their essence more and more.

I had forgotten! The breathtaking beauty of nature.
I had forgotten! The sweet, fragrant scent that flowers brought forth.
I had forgotten! The chirping and sounds, of birds and crickets.
I forgot the whispers of nature!

@ Ebos216

© Da22lingStar