

Show up world

This World seem to me a fake one
Because of the people around us.

No one have the time to listen you
To love you, to laugh with you

Someone busy in their business to earn money for his family
But don't have time to spend with them
Someone busy in her everyday household work and to cook food
But don't have time to listen their pain, joy, happiness , achievement

Someone give you suprise with gifts in your birthday
but don't have time to help you when you need immediately

So, are we really attached with our family, with our friends,with our near one?
do we really care them?
or just pretending to do so ?
One day time will be finished ,they will go far, very far from you
you will feel alone, someone will come and treat you in the same way you did to someone.
One day this whole world will be a fake one
everyone will feel alone ,if this process goes on

we should be the different someone to bring change
To care the someone,to help the someone, to love the someone around us in our society.

who will be the different someone? write on comments.
© priya