

the deserted cities..
I was once there .
I saw the cities light ,
That seems like darkness Never exist.
People passing by-
Rushed , pleased ,hectic & chaotic.
Saw the advancement of this generation...
Yet today it was less helpful than it was expected.
Never once known the important of people around me,
Until this tragedy was born.
Lately it was regretful..!
If I had not waited for later on ?
Now the world is peacefull and deserted,
But seems painfull and sorrowful.
I heard people calling out for help ..
Yet you and I are Scared of taking a step closer.
The person I met yesterday could be a different person today.
Yesterday the neighbour next door was warm and welcoming .
Today it had shut Infront of me .
The cities light seems gone and vanished.
I saw people confining themselves.
Fenced by the tragedy.
I heard people mourning for loosing their dear one's,
I saw people loosing their hope,
The place where i was once there..
It looks like a bridge where it has fallen,
Where nobody ever remember the beauty of that bridge that exist for once.
Will this tragedy be gone like -
the years that i'am ageing..?
The years that is passing by?
The clock's arm that never stop running ?
I set a memory everywhere,
But then it was just a memory where I can't go back ..so
It brought back a laughter while tears too..
As I realized it was yesterday ..
While today is haunting those happiness .
will “hope” brings the lights back to the cities?

vrinmi washi

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