

You're an Art
In a gallery of existence, a masterpiece stands,
Brushstrokes of essence, drawn under skilled hands.
A canvas of moments, colors that impart,
In the grand exhibition, you are that art.

Lines of laughter, vivid and bold,
A sculpture of stories, beautifully untold.
Eyes that reflect galaxies apart,
In the ivory tapestry, you are an art.

Melody in your voice, a lyrical refrain,
A symphony of emotions, the heart's terrain.
Silhouetted dreams, a work from the heart,
In life's composition, you are that one art.

Whispers of passion, it's only a poetic verse,
A dance of emotions, none could rehearse.
In that existential existence, playing minor part,
Forever and always, you'll always be my art.

© TheRetro_Reader