

A sorrowful Inheritance
"They can never make me hate you—
I could never hate you,
Yet neither can I fully love you.
You are my birth parents,
What right do I have to hate you?
To disrespect you, I never would,
To hate you, I simply can't".

My unheard mother married my wounded father,
Their childhood traumas marked them,
Passed down, like a lineage, to me.
Though I may not understand
What my true feelings are towards them,
I know I could never hate them.

I may feel worthless
When my mother isn’t satisfied with what i achieve,
I may feel hurt
As my father's love for me slowly fades away.
But that could never make me hate them,
I don’t think I ever will.

Amidst the chaos, there should be peace,
Yet where was mine?
I’ve waited so long for that peace,
That now, I believe, I no longer require it.

My mother came from a struggling family,
So toxic it could crush a soul,
While my father had wealth,
Yet was left empty,
Loved by no one—
That was his sad truth.

My mother had her father's love
Except her own mother’s love,
Stripped away by indifference.
My father's faith was lost,
Sacrificing his happiness,
For a family that sought riches,
But never saw their son.

These unhealed wounds,
Passed down to me,
A sorrowful inheritance.
They may hurt me,
Make me feel worthless,
Leave me ignored and unheard—
But I could never hate them.
For I know how much they went through,
That made them believe
Treating me badly was the only way,
They felt it was something right.

© k.e