

Crusades - A Time of Sorrow and Despair ( A sad reality 😭😭 😔😔 )
Oh the Popes based in Rome ! the cause of this misery !
The Crusades was just literally killing of many innocent lives for just the holy city of Jerusalem !
The Crusaders and muslims died in uncountable numbers in the brutal holy war !
There were rivers of crimson flowing along with the ashes of destroyed cities wherever the Crusades went !
The Crusades were successful but at the cost of many innocent lives including not only the peasants but also the nobles and emperors of different European realms who died a painful death !
There are haunting images of the Crusades painted on walls by the muslims showing the Crusaders trampling over the islamic forces like a herd of raging bulls trampling over the soft grass and leaving it destroyed !
The Crusades left thousands of people to witness the horrifying sight of thier houses , mosques and churches and their family and friends die in battle and seiges !
While the muslims died , the Popes in Italy celebrated the victories they had in the middle East entoxicated in a joy of victories over the muslims while not caring about the lost of many innocent lives who were in the knightly orders !
One doesn't think of lives of the inocent people while thinking about the Crusades a grim moment in human history !
The Popes were using the Crusades as a excuse of war with the muslims !
When a European reads and thinks about the history of the Crusades he feels pride and dignity but when a Middle Eastern reads and thinks about the Crusades he feels not pride but a surge of sadness running through his veins and people only see the Crusades from the European perspective and not the Middle Eastern perspective and they are doing injustice to the Middle Eastern people by reading and thinking about the Crusades from the European perspective !
O the doom the Crusades brought to Europe and the Middle East !
A truly dark moment of history of the world !
( Inspired by BBC'S documentary on the Crusades and this poem is not anti Christian I have written this poem on the perspective of both the Christians and Muslims)