

Whispers of Sacrifice: Exams, Sleepless Nights, and Parental Love
In the realm of exams, sleepless nights arise,
Under starlit skies, dreams within our eyes,
Battling books and worries, we strive to succeed,
Guided by a mother's care, a selfless creed.

Through pages and equations, we tread the unknown,
With furrowed brows and minds overthrown,
Yet in our struggles, a father's concern lies,
His silent chinta, a weight he denies.

Sleep eludes, as questions dance in the mind,
In the quest for knowledge, rare treasures to find,
But a mother's gentle touch, like a soothing balm,
Calms our fears, brings a sense of calm.

Fathers, too, though silent, their hopes held high,
Behind furrowed brows, their love can't deny,
In this journey of exams, of sleepless nights,
Parents' support ignites our brightest lights.

So, through the trials of papers and pens,
A cycle of care, a tale that transcends,
Exams tension, nights without sleep,
In parents' love and sacrifice, memories deep.

© nikz2415