

peaceful with you
Day and night and day again and for years you've been inhabiting the vast terrain of my mind, building yourself a home.
I'm sure of it, yup there's no doubt about it I love you and am falling in love with you with each passing moment.
You are amazing, your personality is like you're constantly smiling inside.
That makes me smile outside.
My love for you could ignite a fireplace filling a house with the reflection of it's warmth.
Your mind and soul are sharp as needles, steady and serene as a stream
and as brilliant and brighter than the stars.
I wish we'd met sooner than we did so that we could have longer than we do to live and love one another in this physical reality. But I am just happy to have you for the rest of my day and night and days. until we leave these bodies and enjoy spiritual rest and Joy eternally as one
