

What Was, What is and What's to come
Life had no meaning for you until someone came along and brought out colors into your life. Write a poem on it.

Roses are Red, Violets are blue
in a black and white world, your colors were true.
It was a dream made a reality, your flamboyant essence was what I needed.
Oh My frail heart, my susceptibility, this wildflower could as well be my intended
It was the beauty she brought with her laughter and wit, the promise of a bright future in human form
keeping what we possessed took a bit of grit, but 'all good thing comes to an end' it's like a norm
Memories of life before you, I can't seem to recall
Navigating life after you is a daunting task after all.
perhaps, this isn't the end but the beginning. Still uncertain I'd meet another that'll make my heart sing, for it is liberating.
Truly... Her lips were Red, and her Kisses were true
In another life, the woman I'd want to find is You.
© Olatunde Gbenuola