

Every day a special day
The wind was gently blowing
From the east, the sun was rising
The birds were melodiously singing
The riped mangoes under the tree I was sitting
Filled the air with a fragrance so amazing
Close your eyes and imagine the feeling
The plants, the animals, the organisms around are all a healing
To the pain, stress and depression I am feeling
The dried straws on the floor was being swept by the wind that was blowing
The sound and pleasure all these gave was as if the angels were drumming
You would think it was me they are calming
As if it was me they are fanning
And me they are entertaining
I told myself to let my story have an interesting beginning
And also have an happy ending
And of course, listen to the angels when they are drumming
The pleasure is free, you won't have to pay
As you are alive, to be happy is the best way
And incase you have not heard anything nice today
Enjoy every single day, especially today
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