

The Love I Never Found
In the depths of my heart, a space remains
For the love that I sought, but never gained
A longing that lingers, a yearning that stays
For the one who would love me, in every way

I searched far and wide, through joy and through tears
For the arms that would hold me, through all my fears
But like a mirage, it vanished from sight
Leaving me with just shadows, on endless nights

In dreams, I saw your face, a radiant glow
A smile that lit up, the darkness I know
But when I woke, you were gone, a fleeting thought
A bittersweet reminder, of what I've never got

Perhaps in another life, our paths would have crossed
Perhaps in another time, our love would have been lost
But for now, I'll hold on, to the love I never found
And cherish the hope, that someday it will be found.

* Remember that love can take many forms, and sometimes the love we never find can shape us in profound ways.
© Mercy