

A promise that is Forgotten
A love never stand still in lie!
A fake love finds its way for break up!!
I still remember your promises
But you forgot your promises!!

You promised me once!
You took a vow to not leave me,
You took a vow Of not loving anyone else!
You took a vow to always be with me!
You took a Vow to always Support me!

Yet,you did not break your promise but!
You forgot your promises!
You Left me When i needed you!
You broke me when i loved and trusted you!

You forgot your promises!!
It was not only promise but
It was my trust for you too!!
You forgot your promise
And broke my trust!!!

Yet still I Never Forgot the promise
that i gave Together With you!
I promised to always love you!
So i still love you even tho you don't!

I talk to you With a fake smile in my face!
Sadness In my soul
Tears in my eyes and
pain in my Heart!!

I pretend to stop loving you But
Deep down i still love and
Care for you!!
No matter what happened to our relationship!

© Vidhyasha