

Bold and beautiful
Bold strokes of a confident hand,
The painting is a masterpiece,
Executed as planned...
The dewy eyes etched so grand
The mumm lips yearning to speak out, take a stand.

They said they could see the emotions that were captured
Then why was it so hard for them to figure out that truth hidden in plain sight?
That emotion that they praised about..
was the signal to the ones around
Save me before I leave without even making a sound.

I'll be there for you!
We understand!
Huh... as if they did...
Blank words with no weight whatsoever was the truth behind their facade.

But still she kept drawing...
And coloring so that one day those colors would fill her life that was deprived of colors.
So yes bold and beautiful
That's how it looks... don't try to label.. just accept it. Because for her that's the only way it works.