

If life was...
Write a short story about how much easier it is to fix mistakes on a word processor or computer than it is in real life.

Life would have been perfect,
If we could erase all our mistakes,
If a press of Ctrl+D could delete all bad memories,
There would be no regret,

But that isn't possible,
So be careful when you speak,
Be mindful of the words you say,
Because even tiny words,
Can create a unbridgeable gap,

There won't be any stress,
If life was a book,
And we could tear a page & rewrite it,
In case we messed up something,

But life isn't a book,
And once you do something in your life,
It can't be undone,
No matter how much you try,

So be careful of what you do,
Be in your senses while taking decisions,
Because whatever you do,
Will be engraved in the ‘Wall of life.’

© Hidden Writer