

To Feel Low
No, don't stress your soul,
I'm doing just fine ,
Yeah! sometimes I cry at night,
But during the day I'm alright .

No, I don't need a hug,
Yeah! sometimes I crave,
Most of the times,
It's cold, I've to embrace .

I sit there by myself,
pondering the things ,
I should be happy,
but being happier creeps me .

Not even the moon listens to me,
dark cloud only I see,
The window's open,
but no one wants to check on me .

I remember those days,
when I used to be okay,
I'm not mentally ill,
I'm just playing a play.

I try to erase memorise,
knowing they don't exist,
The truth only we know,
our emotions eaten by the beast.

We cry, We cry, I cry with you all ,
I want to see you smiling,
like you used to do before.

Yes! you need a hug ,
the thing you always craved,
No need to embrace the cold,
let's attach our foreheads.

Let's make a promise,
I'll never leave you in between,
You'll not leave either,
in this space unseen.

© KongMonkey