


Oh! How strong is our old pillars concealing
But will all our heavy effort be less prevailing
The scary storm and fiecy wind, all revealing
Like the deep shaky icy mountains of the east
Whose depth has a firm unexplainable peace
For we are not at competition, or in deep thirst
But we put our holy garment, a priceless vest
Like an hero, We seek with faith to be the first,

Oh! blessed is he that has a good foundation
He shall eat in time of storm, his own ration
The noise of his neigbours are mere illusion
His mind will be more peaceful in all trials
For he is made of value, not cheap materials
Like a strong buiding, he will stand forever
In time of extreme cold, he shall not shiver
When he falls, his creator will surely deliver

Oh! How much trouble will this storm cause
All the awe, action and acts in a sudden pause
For in utter darkness, we know whom to trust
Even fully relaxed in time of void uncertainty
Because we rest our aching back in full surety
For our own believe comes from the Almighty
We will strive to come up with clear intention
Our plights and prayers, a due commission

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