

Times old trick

In shadows deep, where silence grows,
A tale unfolds that no one knows.
Upon a shelf, where dust settles thick,
A long-forgotten book lies, time’s old trick.

Its cover worn, a faded hue,
With whispers of worlds it once flew through.
Pages curled, like hands in prayer,
Yearning for voices, for hearts to share.

Ink-stained dreams dance with the dust,
In margins, the echoes of hope and trust.
Longing for fingers to trace its spine,
To breathe in the stories, those moments divine.

Through time’s cruel passage, it waits in vain,
For the warmth of a reader to fill its pain.
Each sentence a secret, a lover's sigh,
A vivid escape, where souls dare to fly.

Come, tender reader, approach with care,
Unravel the yarn, lose yourself in the glare.
For in this tome, the past softly calls,
A journey awaits, through its ancient walls.

Let not its wisdom be cloaked in sorrow,
For in every page, lies a brighter tomorrow.
Unshackle the dreams that languish and weep,
In the heart of this book, memories sleep.

So dust off the cover, and dare to abide,
In the library's heart, let the stories collide.
With each turn of the page, let the magic extend,
For a long-forgotten book yearns to live once again.