

The Care and Keeping of Angels
In times of extreme cold,
angels will hunch in,
using their feathers
to cover their feet.

If they fluff out their feathers,
check for drafts.
Move the angel away
from the cold place
they’ve perched.

Place the angel
in a warmer roost.
Make sure their nest
is adequately insulated.

An angel should never
spread damp wings
in cold.
Extended exposure
will make them
grow ill.

Towel dry angels
before you release them.
Wrap in warm blankets,
and keep
a close eye.

Should their feathers
turn itchy,
boil herbs
(calendula, chamomille)
let cool
and then spray.

Itch will cause angels
to pluck at their feathers.
Deter this behavior,
lest they become
or infected.

© Katherine Steffeter