

When the sound of my footsteps approach.
You ghost.
Everytime I get close
You ghost.
Why don't you take this rose?
You won't?
You always want me at my most.
My most'
but when i cry and look to you for hope.
You ghost.

How you expect me to be able
to stay stable?

I want to protect you,
but it’s a label to the fable.

The truth is in how you accept me.
Within the cradle of an angel.

You protect me..

When i look to the moon in the sky
I think about you often.

You may have been the one who died
but part of me is in the coffin.

because of what you did
I can move mountains.

All my tears shed
flow in heavens fountains.

As of now i think you would be proud.
When looking down on me through the shrouds of heavens clouds.

Sunday i see you, monday i don’t.

Someday we'll see each other...
Til then all i see is ghost.

As Memories pass.
I can't believe finally
You've come to be
heaven free at last.

Rest in peace.
Heavenly divine.
I love you mom.
Say hi from me to dad....
© XlchthoNyx