

I was big fan and so supportive. Arrived to before they was famou

sI always been there. To been first customer. First fan. I get nothing special but there thank you's and performance on the stands.

Years be on my good ratings brought on more to give them a go. Be a simp that sure did out best me real well. I was out bested by first timers. Wasn't good, to whom donate they most look good. Get attention from their idols. Easy way of to bargain the get noticed an loved too most. I do sometimes come with a comeback to clap back. Win an losses like a video game without playing it. The performance ending, I was the last one there. Clapping an clapping waiting to execute my jump scare. Pay back for me losing this time. Going live to get this in action. Hand formed over my mouth that weaken my whole body to fall to slumber. Dropped with feeling good, fainting seeing nothing but black.

I waken up to my idol smiling at me with a smirk. My heart beat steady steady my processing went heavy. I was happy to see her close to face in person. Smell her perfume fums. Wanted not to die. Was gonna figure out my escape looking around to see what I can find. Don't kmow rather to be happy or scared. She is about to speak walking a bit closer. I wonder what she wants to talk over.
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