

Do You Know Her?
Do you know her? She can be your sister, your friend, the love of your life or It might be You..
People say girls are too confusing
here is my explanation about their pure soul
This poem is written as a first person pronoun (she) but it applies for everyone.
Be proud if someone can feel free with you, if they can be like described in the poem,
Instead of chasing one particular emotion see what they've got to offer


Do you know that girl?
the one whom you think you know
She has feelings to unfurl
She has strengths to grow
Just like everyone else you might say you know her too
Well if that happened, You'll definitely
know what she's gone through

She'll act in a certain way
She'll think before she says
The girl who hides in her room
thinking of it as her cocoon
Shedding tears
she's not perfect, she has her own fears
The girl who'll laugh and have fun with you
who'll agree even when she knows what you say ain't the absolute truth
No one will know what she acquires
for sheis a real fire
She'll hide behind a face no one knows
You see only what she wishes to show
She's got a bundle of words, feelings and emotions
If only you'd read her eyes which are deeper than the oceans
The beauty of hers is not some body part
but she herself is a piece of art
Her walls are built up high
She too has reasons to cry
Winning her trust is rare
Unless you've shown her that you truly care
Usually, she has feelings to hide
but if you know her she has a lot to describe
She'll love you with all her might
She's got a heart that's fragile
You don't know her well
Untill she has stories to tell
the hurt, the laughs, the smiles she faked
Maybe for people's sake
Going through memories till dawn
If you know her , she'll still go on
Often she acts nonchalantly
Irony is, she lives in pure reality
She hides her real self so that she ain't hurt
when somebody she put faith in deserts
She 'wants' but never 'needs'
If you've heard all her stories,
she loves you indeed

© poetic_parade

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#her #girl #girlsmind #shesnotconfusing
#women #love #platoniclove #need #want #life #girlslife #she #you #beauty
#diary #femalesmind #doyouknowher? #you