

Nature's Torture
Nature was supposed to be our home
that watched over us and called us her own

I thought she would be with us and not against us
To cherish our love and try to make things work
Life's so cruel it sealed our fate
And nature made sure we wouldn't escape

Our burning hopes and flames of happiness
short lived, but never did it die
rising to the winds that blew
and the rain that flowed.
it looked straight at nature's eye
screaming 'I won't die'.

it didn't go out cause it had a reason to keep the flame alive
no matter the torture
pain , selfishness or pride.
nature tried it all ,
but our hopes and love remained ever tough.

Until nature finally remembered that I was already cursed
she used her last torture, by showing me our bond, was not meant for this world.

The pain of seeing you sad and broken, is greater than any dream we have awakened.
I know that no matter what I say you won't end that love
even if it has been long forbidden in the womb of our mom's.

So I'll keep that hopes and flames alive.
And we won't care of what problems may arise
we won't let our flame be out.
untill the day my heart finally stops.
And am completely gone

© Nic