

Roll the dice and take a gamble.
Trip up once, down I go-
when did my demons become so fragile?
Sleep deprived yet completely immersed
in a bizarre breed of fairytale-
where the princess is hooked on her own curse.

No happily ever after or true love's first kiss.-
just diaries of a basketcase,
elevated by the most unforgiving bliss.
I'm climbing up, up, and up with no destination.
Maybe I'm just high as fuck,
exceeding my own expectations.

It wouldn't be the first time
and certainly not the last.
After all, I am my mother's daughter,
bound to repeat the past.
If she could see me now,
she'd say 'what a crying shame.'
So I'll take another shot
and toast it in her name. 
© ramblingneurotic