

Faded love....
Standing here
Face to face
But still there is a distance
The love once we had is faded away

I always had you by my side
But you could never be mine
I loved you after knowing the result
Even if it was a broken heart
I loved the moon
But forgot it would get it's earth soon
I was from million of stars
Who had it's own wars

I tried my best to make you fall for me
I thought you would forgot her with time
But I forgot true love never dies
We were better as friends
I this journey you got her and I reached at a dead end

Now once again destiny has brought us together
I Don't know it is worse or better
You can never be mine but I will be yours forever
I loved you by breaking all the standards
But for you only she matters
In this game of heart
You became complete But I left torn apart
I thought it was my imagination
But you left me in the worst situation
Never looked back at my broken self
Have you heard when I yelled for help
Now once again

Standing in a maze
Face to face
But still there is a distance
The love once we had has fade away