

My dearest love
I want to talk to you
There is a lot I want to say,
I'm afraid of saying the wrong things
Only to watch you disappear for months

I need you,more than you think I do
There is a void in my heart,
only you can fill it with your love
I miss your silly jokes and the way you made me blush
I long for you warm arms around me,as you tell me "I love you"
Melting my heart away with your devotion

What happened to us?
Our conversations used to be never-ending
Now they're forever ending in split seconds
My heart hurts,
As much as I want to be with you
My heart aches on how we treat each other

Who are we to each other now?
Who am I to you now?
Where did the love go?
Was it me? I don't know,
I have a lot to say,
But I'm afraid you might disappear forever.