

i miss those days
i miss those days where there were no worries , except for doing homework
i miss those days when i had true friends
i miss those days where pencil were broken not promises
i miss those days where we laughed at every silly things
i miss those days when we went to school in auto
i miss those days when my biggest fear was ghost
i miss those days when i didn't have any responsibility
i miss those days when relative came and gave me chocolate and not mock me about my marks
i miss those days where i didn't know reality of the world
i miss those days when i hated to wake up to go to school
i miss those days when we could go anywhere without wearing masks
i miss those days where we were standing near golgappa cart and were stuffing golgappas in our mouth,
i miss those days where we didn't care about whether we are a girl or boy
i miss those days where we thought in these world everyone is good
i miss those days where we were innocent enough to believe a ghost will come if we didn't eat well
i miss those days when i could sleep for hours without caring about the world
i miss those days where watching Shinchan doraemon made us laugh
i miss those days when tears were fake😋 not smile😥
i miss those days where bags were heavy not hearts
i miss those days where classes where offline , and we could waste time of teachers by asking weird questions
i miss those days when we laughed to our hearts content and not faked our smile when actually were sad

i miss those days the treasured memories of my life,
i miss those innocent days the childhood the time before lockdown, our school really the last and first day of school is the most heartwarming , sad and the best. i wish i could turn time