

One too Many
In the midst of nowhere,
Where everything is nothing and everything nothing...
Where chaos either precedes or follows glory.

Where you are both lost and found...
Trying to feel alive...
In a rush and filled with the hot flush of adrenaline to kill the numbness of feeling.

I was not numb because I couldn't feel
I was numb because I felt too much.
And all those feelings had just merged to One.

So essential; to become One.
Perhaps that's all the feelings were trying to teach me.

Afterall philosophy aligns us to the omnious concept that all we encounter is but a lesson to be learnt.

So far I've learnt much more in unlearning than in learning.

And that's the bright lesson I learnt from learning.

That all must be unlearned for true Knowledge.
Because you truly don't know if you only know and haven't known.

The beautifully...