

'Ilm means knowledge, science, and everything about life.
Sometimes, It could be known as despair.
However, It could be hope still.
'Ilm told real, not deal.
'Ilm talks about learning, not earning.
'Ilm isn't caged inside papers, They dance among the wind veins.
'Ilm lies inside The Seekers, skipping The Reachers.
But Mankind tells 'Ilm as Quantity.
Ignoring Quality, grumbling for Dignity, and Rushing the property.
Talk about 'Ilm that is crucial for life, but end when the odor drives.
Shouting how priceful 'Ilm is, but shutting where the priceless grinds.
'Ilm isn't about the output, but how it's getting out.
'Ilm means knowledge, science, and everything about The World.

© Arma