

The flower and the weed
There was once upon a time a wondrous flower in its prime that grew and bloomed to help the doomned
You see this beauty coated flower had a marvellous healing power  Naive and innocent nought in this world could be maleficent
delicate petals so easily torn, soft as a baby that is newly born.
Then one day upon the dawn on a bright and joyful morn,
from the ground spurted a seed of a famous deadly weed, but the flower didn't know so the weed began to grow.
Naive she said, 'oh be my friend' not knowing of a fatal end
Sometimes sweet sometimes sour the weed slowly lured the flower. It wound itself around the flower getting tighter every hour till the flower cried out 'no' but the weed wouldn't let go.
On a dark and gloomy morn, the flower's life was torn
Slowly the Blossom began to choke bit by bit it tore and broke till there was nothing left of its beauty the weed had done its duty.

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