

Neighborhood love

A beautiful blonde came my way
Attractive figure but who cares of that?
Got my nerves struck like guitars strings
Attention drew to her even more
The smile she got created something more
She already got me up but couldn't know

What will it be if she knows?
I cleared my emotions to face the challenge
I got off my boys and dashed the road to meet fate
The kind of challenge I never faced
But when I meet her she lights up a smile
Words get lost and am chocked with silence

Movies will do but it's neighborhood
The broken dark world between us
The risk I can take and what I can hold
I broke my cords to ask for a kiss
I didn't know well but her taste was perfect
That's the neighborhood love I owned right away

I realised she was in the same college j went
That made me change my company
It's such a decent idea I got a classy girl
She types sassy but harshly gets me affection
A rose lighting a field of daisies
I think am shredded to small love pieces

She's so more of a talk in town
What desiring hearts are made of
When all directions can lead to her
My only heart got carried by the winds of her love
My lonely life lifted and dumped far for life
A snitch in air can change here to there
I look at my compass and points to the neighborhood
Is this really what love is?

I found what the world is by a look
That gesticulating look that tore in her eye
Luscious lips that made her taste
Lucid eyes that reflected my love in them
Walking towards her is so easy
But walking away requires all the forces
When am heading to the neighborhood, it's better than leaving