

I'm affected, I know I'm caught.
In the middle of something like a mire or a thought,
In responsibility on my shoulder & the world beyond
In floating in the sea or dieing in the pond,
In memories eidetic or the one that are long gone,
In floating up to the surface or just letting it drown.

I am affected, I know I'm done
For the decision is to live seriously or just to have fun,
For the decision of living this way or hit an equilibrium,
For decision of appreciating victorious or coming up with triumph.

I know I am affected, I still feel torn.
For want of pleasure or bleeding over thorn,
For rowing against the flood or dead float with the flow,
For being on high of everything or hit the ground so low.

I am affected, I still can't decide.
Keep it on my shoulder or should I lay it aside,
Keep it all inside or scream to the divine,
Keep it up with faith or give up and let my dreams die.

#struggle #reallifedilemmas #dilemma #torn