

I Just Wanted You To Know !
I was seeking for a door inside me
to escape from this world of realities
Tired of tasting the bitterness of life
eventually even sweet memories
turned out bitter to me
Maybe I must have taught
the old foolish me
About life & unsaid principles
I should have advised her
to not be too predictable
or too sensitive about anything

I walked into the door
that took me to past
the world was the same
but I guess its a different ME
Seeing the old me, relieved & free
Walking down the aisle
of fairytales & imaginary seas
I had an urge to tell her
about things on her way
through different ages
that she's gonna face it anyway
Just to tell her
Everything isn't easy
Life could turn out unexpected
than you thought it would be;
hurdles & obstacles
are part of this journey
Emotions are meant to be expressed
not concealed ,even if its asked to be
Not all days are dreamy
Sometime you lay in corners moody
Everything isn't predictable
afterall you shouldnt be even scripting
You need not be afraid
there's God who shall lead your way
His advises are your commands
Just follow his lead &
You shall be lead the right way
Live your life fearlessly
Some fears can be real
others are your make belief
Just so you know
those demons in your head
Arent even real !
I still say !!!!
Keep dreaming Just like today
Sure things will turn out
better than you expected anyway
Love you behold, let everyone feel
let the blanket of care protect you
You are never alone I swear
there are people who're
always gonna be there
Today's thunder or stormy winds
Must not scare your soul away
there's beautiful sunny days
that sure comes your way
You are alright I swear
& Sometimes ,You just gotta be
Heal every injuries inside out
Feel happy every second you breathe
& While you step into tomorrow
I just wanna say Oh dear
Prepare yourself to enjoy this ride
this is indeed a beautiful journey
I shall set her sail across the future
& let the wind of hopes to
take her to beautiful tomorrows
© Laya