

Behind the bars of my window,
I could see you standing far away
I closed my eyes and wondered
a little, but it was my dream anyway.
Whenever the cold winds knocked my windows,
I could feel your presence
But after sometime it goes.
Realizing my dream and the reality screams from doing so.
I could feel your love which you had always kept within you-
When the raindrops fall on my nose and cold winds blew.
When I am thinking about you
Maybe you are thinking about someone else-
But believe me that really doesn't matter which my love clearly tells.
The beauty of the nature had always stopped me from hating you,
The smile of the stars had always made me realize how much I love you.
Once your eyes had told me many 'UNSAID WORDS',
And those words left me in silent tears.
I thought you would express your feelings,
But unfortunately you went away-
Which was really killing,
Me from outside and within with the,
But sadly your RETURNING was also a dream.